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Sentimental Analysis with movie reviews using Deep learning with Keras

Sentimental Analysis with movie reviews using Deep learning with Keras

In this project, I use IMDB movie reivews sentiment classification (included in Keras) with 50,000 movie reviews that individually scored as positive (1) or negative (0). The dataset is divided into 25,000 reviews for training, 25,000 for testing. The outcome is to use our model to predict that a free form text from user input is a negative or positive comment/review.

pythondeep learningkeraspandasazurecloud
Predict on-time flight arrival using Azure Notebooks

Predict on-time flight arrival using Azure Notebooks

In this project, I will develop binary classifier model to predict the flight will be on-time or late. I also run the performance metric to analyze the precision of the model.

machine learningclassifierpythonazurecloud
Profitable App Profiles on App Store and Google Play Store using Python

Profitable App Profiles on App Store and Google Play Store using Python

Using 2 datasets from Kaggle with information about applications listed on the 2 most popular mobile app stores, I cleaned any unwanted data, remove non-English app and standardize application name to remove duplication. Next, I analyze applications' rating by app category, and suggest some category that we can develop our app to be profitable.

pythondata sciencedata analysisdata cleaning
Clothing store web application

Clothing store web application

In this project, I developed a web application for a fictional clothing store called Rainbow using React

Tableau - Sleepless in America

Tableau - Sleepless in America

Using Tableau to visualize a data set about amount of time spend on sleep among American age groups.

TableauData visualization
Sales Exploration in Power BI - AdventureWorks Dataset

Sales Exploration in Power BI - AdventureWorks Dataset

In this project, I built a Power BI report to analyze sale data from AdventureWorks sample dataset from Microsoft.

BIData visualization

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