Short story about my life to date

Short story about my life to date


I was born in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. My mother was a coding teacher at a local college. She has a huge impact on me, my passion and my lifestyle.

Coding journey started

I started learning to code at age 11 with Pascal programming language. I participated in multiple provincial programming contests when I was in grade 9 and 11. In 2011, I won the first prize in the provincial contest and was the representative for my Province in National contest in Ho Chi Minh city. They even made a video about me and my programming journey on provincial TV channel. Watch it on Youtube

Bachelor's degree in Finance - then switched to Data Mining

At the time I had to choose the University, programming jobs had some downturn and would take 5-6 years to complete a Bachelor's Degree. I chose to follow Finance in one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam - Foreign Trade University. I graduated with GPA 3.8 and am highly skilled in Finance and Data Mining. I joined the job market in Vietnam as a Data analyst at Techcombank, top 3 banks in Vietnam.

Canada Journey began

In 2017, I got married. My wife and I moved to Canada to study and build our careers. During summer 2019, I worked as a Co-op developer at CIBC and mainly focused on BI solutions using modern technologies such as Tableau, Alteryx, SAS. Now I'm in my second co-op term at CIBC and looking to having a great time filled with learning new things and developing meaningful projects.


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