How I download and visualize my running data using Strava API + Alteryx + Tableau

How I download and visualize my running data using Strava API + Alteryx + Tableau

Why did I run that much?

During Covid lockdown, I gained a lot of weight. Then I decided I have to put in all the effort to lose weight. Running is one of my main exercise which I love. I did run ~20k a week in 2018 but then almost stop in 2019. I started run again ~March 2020 with 1-3K. I can go out side, sawthe beautiful nature and enjoyed fresh air. That's too good for Lockdown period. Then I increase my mileague everyweek.

My first Half Marathon

I reach 21k in July 2020, after only 4 months of training. That's a good sight. Since my 2nd HM, I ran a HM everyweek. Today, it's almost 50 HM in my pocket.

2021 Goal

With 2020 mileague, I set my 2021 target to 2021 K (~ 40K every week). The first 3 months is crazy with all the snow and cold weather, I still managed to achive my running goal. I want to see my results with multiple metrics. Strava requires extra money for data visualization, and I don't want to pay that money. I built my own running data viz.

I used Alteryx to download and parse data, then export to Tableau Hyper file. From there I built my Tableau dashboard.

Alteryx Worklow can be download from here

Here is the Tableau public Dashboard stava tableau


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